Professional integration: Jobmania trains young people in eLearning with the Didask platform

Échange avec
Romain Hallet
Didask's quality/price ratio is very good, knowing that the platform is constantly evolving.

What is Jobmania's mission?

Jobmania is a recruitment agency whose two main activities are recruitment and coaching to support the professional integration of candidates. We created this last entity, Coachmania at the request of our customers, and we took the digital turn on this activity 3 years ago with Didask.

What is your mission at Jobmania?

From the beginning, our philosophy has been to build support to help understand the expectations of recruiters at each stage of the recruitment process. Based on the principle that we do things well only if and only if we understood what it is for, we had a limited offer of practical sheets in terms of learning. This is the reason why, in 2021, we made the choice to go digital. So I naturally took responsibility for this project to boost it. The eLearning approach seemed obvious to us, we simply had to find the solution that would allow us to create modules and a mixed course that could combine face-to-face, synchronous distance learning and asynchronous learning. All this without any knowledge of eLearning, because while we are experts in our field, none of us knew about eLearning tools.

What was your training project?

Our expertise is centered on knowing students and their needs, and schools increasingly involved us on employability issues, in particular the control of the stages of a recruitment process. In the course of the course, we deal with a complete set of themes ranging from Soft Skills (behavior, self-knowledge...) to more technical tools such as LinkedIn and Boolean Operators to be used to better position yourself as a candidate looking for a job, whether as part of an internship, an apprenticeship or a job.

What are the teaching methods that you use as part of this course?

We are working on all modalities, whether face-to-face, remote (synchronous by video) and asynchronous with the remote modules to be carried out as part of the training course. The courses are adapted to our different targets and we have around 130 days of programs scheduled during the year with 5 days of program for each learner. The training course takes place over 1 month on average.

Technically or pedagogically, did you have particular constraints?

The main constraint are our targets. Students are very sensitive to form and they are increasingly involved in highly visual learning methods and advanced training path scenarios. It is therefore necessary to be able to mix the formats (texts, videos, scenarios...)

Why did you choose Didask for your project (the 3 main points that convinced you)?

We were completely agnostic on the subject of e-learning solutions, we started to monitor. And we were reassured from the first contacts with the Team Didask. At the time, the solution was not as advanced, but it allowed us to get started gradually. The lack has always been the visual aspect but since V5 we have been integrating more multimedia into our courses and/or visuals that allow us to increase the power of the graphic environment that we want to give to our courses.

What do you remember about the Didask method?

That any expert can create their e-learning courses without having completed specific training in this field thanks to solutions like Didask.

What are you benefiting from Didask today? Do you have initial feedback?

As the solution evolves constantly, more and more functionalities are integrated. In addition, we have very rewarding and sustained support with our Customer Success Manager. Finally, I would say that the quality/price ratio of Didask is very good, knowing that the platform is constantly evolving and that I am really looking forward to using their new feature Educational AI.

Romain Hallet
Romain Hallet

Coachmania Program Consultant and Project Manager

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Professional integration
9 modules

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