Adaptive learning for enhanced skill building

Engagement is good, progress is better!

Ils font déjà confiance à Didask
L'apprentissage et pédagogie basés sur la recherche en sciences cognitives

A learning method based on cognitive science research

Adaptive learning rapide à deployer

In a few clicks, you deploy your adaptive experience, without additional work

Simplicité, vous gardez le contrôle de l'expérience apprenant

No obscure algorithms. You are in control of the learning experience

Adaptive learning engages and impacts your learners

Directly integrated into our next generation learning platform and powered by Instructional AI, Didask adaptive learning intelligently adapts the learning experience to each person

Personalization based on proven criteria

Experience the next level of customization! Didask personalization technologies use cognitive science principles to optimize skill development and enhanced learning.

A groundbreaking training experience

Deploy engaging and transformative training systems, adapted to the constraints of your teams:

  • Automatic positioning tests
  • AI assistant available at all times
  • Personalized recommendations
  • Compatible with all systems
Coming soon !

An AI mentor helps develop skills in blocks

With corrected activities, your employees train on complex tasks involving several skills. They receive personalized feedback and communicate with their AI mentor.

10x faster
Thanks to AI, divide your online course creation time by 10!

Real impact
94% of learners say that Didask eLearning has a positive impact on their work.
Efficient implementation
6 hours is the average time needed to set up your Didask platform.
Emmanuel Girard
Group Head of Rewards and International Mobility
Didask's platform makes a difference for any organization that wants to train in a clear, short, and fun format, and on subjects that seem difficult at first glance!