
A learning platform that delivers results

Developed by our researchers, Didask Instructional AI maximizes the power of our learning platform.

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Ils font déjà confiance à Didask
10x faster
Thanks to AI, divide your online course creation time by 10 !

Veritable impact
94% of learners say that Didask e-learning has a positive impact on their work.
Efficient implementation
6 hours = the average needed time to set up your Didask platform.
Author tool

Create your modules in a few minutes

With Didask, anyone can create effective learning. With Instructional AI as a co-pilot, advance with confidence. Our technology automatically generates  modules from your existing content. Divide your eLearning creation time by 10 !

See Pedagogical AI in action
Learning experience

Optimal modes of training through adaptive learning

Results are not obtained by chance. The entire Didask experience is evidence based and optimized for the brain by our cognitive science researchers. The integrated AI selects modalities adapted to your objectives. Each learner takes a personalized journey.
94% of learners say that Didask eLearning has a positive impact on their work.

See Didask in action
Administration & management

Manage with finesse, take appropriate actions

Benefit from accurate and ergonomic smart analytics, including a diagnosis of learner engagement and intelligent suggestions for improvement! And of course, Didask offers you everything you need to manage your groups, invitations, reminders, face-to-face sessions, etc. The average time needed to set up a Didask platform is only 6 hours!

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didask lms adaptive learning intelligence artificielle pedagogique transformation

Want to know more or give it a try?

Make an appointment with our eLearning experts for a demonstration, or to receive more information.

Why Didask?

The Didask LMS
Classic LMS & LXP
How it works
Learner transformation
Engaging the learner with real cognitive challenges to effectively master the subject
Supporting your transformation
Logic of collaboration to help you reach your goals
Anyone (yes, anyone!) can create a training course
Didask automatically generates effective training experiences based on your raw content
Specific content
Tailor-made, job relevant training experiences
Content delivery often limited to slides and quizzes
Need to connect to an LMS
Generic content - Mainly catalogs and off-the-shelf modules
Learning happens where the learner is
In the field or anywhere else while online.
Outsourcing or recruitment of specific job profiles - Need for instructional designers to create each new module
Technical support only - Technical assistance in using the platform
Design time
(reflection → diffusion)
Learning experience
On average 1.5 hours for a 15-minute module
Adaptive experience
The content is tailored to learners' needs
Observable change
See what learners are actually prepared to do after training, in granular detail
On average 15 hours for a 15-minute module
Static experience - all learners experience the same content
Lack of ROI information - Inadequate statistics limited to completion or satisfaction
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didask lms plateforme elearning en extension à votre lms

Do you already have a learning platform?
No problem, Didask also works as an extension. You can make your existing platform more efficient without even changing it!

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didask lms ia pedagogique illustration montrant que didask marche en extension dans différents lms