Building a learning culture: Apside's digital transformation

Échange avec
Mickaël Desnos
“Paradoxical as it may seem, the Didask solution allows digital design without being aware of doing it. It guides inexorably towards the essentials to be transmitted and their formatting while delivering the usual deliverables of this activity, which are the synopsis and the storyboard.”

What challenge did you have to take on?

At Apside, innovation and skills development are at the heart of our concerns, the creation and development of Academy by Apside then seemed obvious. This digital transformation project aims to make the company turn into a learning organization. In order to enrich our training, we were looking for a design solution that allows us to carry out auto-formative e-learning courses in line with brain function.

How did the mission take place?

Within the academy team (a DLM and a pedagogical engineer), we are designing an e-learning course using the design tool of our LXP myskillcamp for the attention of all future remote workers in the Group into which we insert granules designed with The Didask solution. We also plan to develop a 100% Didask training course to prepare employees for customer presentations.

The objective at first is to keep the use of it within the academy's teaching team. In the medium term, I imagine us experimenting with the solution with a few employees who have been initiated to the creation of e-learning content on LXP in order to assess how well it is handled and how effective the productions are.

Parcours digital learning de Didask et Apside

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What assessment do you draw from this?

The team is professional, always attentive, available and lively; and expertise, I particularly note the refinement of the pedagogical approach. The solution is ergonomic and oriented towards the result to be obtained. Paradoxical as it may seem, The solution allows digital design without being aware of doing it. It guides inexorably towards the essentials to be transmitted and their formatting while delivering the usual deliverables of this activity, which are the synopsis and the storyboard. Didask's granular approach triggers rich and personalized learning experiences for learners. In fact, the initial feedback has been very positive. We are already planning the production of new courses in this form.

I recommend the Didask solution to e-learning designers in order to discover an innovative and end-to-end digital production method, to users of the LXP myskillcamp for the result of integrating Didask SCORM content and to learners to self-train effectively by making the effort to question themselves.

An anecdote?

The gap between the apparent simplicity of activities and situations in terms of design effort and their effectiveness for learning. The reflexive approach requires time to adapt and effort that we finally manage to overcome. It's simple and complicated at the same time.

Tester la solution Didask
Mickaël Desnos
Mickaël Desnos

Digital Learning Manager & Responsible for the creation and development of the Apside Group corporate academy entitled “Academy by Apside”

Le dispositif
Teleworking & remote management
Managers & collaborators
3000 learners
17 granules & 7 modules

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