Train your clients and reduce your churn

57% of companies see a reduction in churn after improving customer training.
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Train your clients rapidly and eficiently

Easily create spaces and sub-spaces for each of your clients
Fully personalized customer spaces to maximize relevance and engagement
Tailor-made, real-time support for each of your customers with the AI coach
Jeune homme devant son ordi avec par dessus les enjeux cognitifs montrés comme outil de transformation de l'apprenant

Onboarding is a question of transformation

Corporate culture, business processes, regulations... A transformation is always required to address new cognitive challenges. For each case, Didask identifies the most effective teaching methods.

  • Create onboarding courses 10x faster.
  • Optimize appreciation of your system.
  • Reduce support demands by 30%.
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AI + cognitive science = maximized impact

You will no longer be overwhelmed by tons of scattered information! Designed by our cognitive scientists, Instructional AI automatically transforms your content into eLearning modules, and adaptive learning :) Create training courses 10x faster!

  • In just 5 minutes, create and distribute a short training course on a new feature.
  • Thanks to the AI coach, you can continuously monitor your customers' progress and offer them tailored feedback.
  • Increase value recognition and retention.
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homme devant son ordinateur avec des dessin par dessus montrant des experts en action sur leurs terrains (femme sur un chantier, homme enseignant, femme devant un ordinateur,...) grâce à leurs formations sur le lms didask

Involve your experts and accelerate easily

Access expertise directly from the source! It's simple and quick to master,

  • Didask is the only solution whose AI is based on cognitive science research.
  • The training programs you create with Didask are optimized for skill enhancement.
  • The AI coach continuously monitors your learners to provide them with personalized feedback.
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Track progress

Measure the integration of your recruits with precision. Our smart analytics give you recommendations for improvement. And you have everything you need to manage your groups, invitations, reminders, face-to-face sessions, etc.

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Femme devant son ordinateur avec des dessin de la plateforme montrant des smart analytics qui formulent des améliorations de vos elearning et l'essentiel pour gérer vos groupes, rappels,....

Our motto:
speed, simplicity, efficiency

Rapid creation and deployment
Create a module in 5 minutes and launch the learning platform in 6 hours
Ease of use
83% of companies had never before utilized an eLearning platform
Confirmed efficiency
93% of learners report that Didask training has a positive impact on their work.
Ipad montrant la couverture du livre blanc avec une photo de personnes travaillant sur un ordi avec un picto intelligence artificielle et le titre : onboarding : comment transformer vos contenus en dispositifs impactants avec l'IA pédagogique ?
White paper

Use Instructional AI to transform your content into effective learning systems

With this Didask guide, learn more about how to create highly effective onboarding courses more quickly by tackling the 2 main challenges:
- lack of impact and ROI
- time needed to design them

Download the white paper