Education and teaching

Hybrid your courses without giving up pedagogy!

Onboarding: Go from

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The eLearning platform designed for education actors

Author tool with integrated Pedagogical artificial intelligence
Learning experience optimized for the brain and with Adaptive Learning
One-click broadcast on Didask (or your current platform)

Watch your students progress!

Hybrid courses, refresher courses, exam preparation, consolidation... The Didask modules reinforce your training systems with pedagogy and in perfect complementarity.
Des mains sur un clavier avec des dessins par dessus de livres avec une loupe dessus cherchant les informations qui se transforment en une formation elearning grâce aux bonnes modalités pédagogiques

Les good pedagogical modalities... every time!

No more knots in the brain when it comes to choosing the type of exercise or granule. Depending on your challenges, our solutions recommend the most effective learning modality based on scientific research. Tchao illusion of control, hello transfer!

Personalized courses according to what really matters

Didask adaptive learning takes into account the initial level and progress of your learners, but also cognitive science recommendations, such as the alternation and spacing of subjects or the management of cognitive load.

dessin d'une personne devant son ordinateur avec plusieurs chemins possibles à faire qui sont personnalisable selon ses envies (sujet, durée, temps passé sur un sujet,...). Le lms a de l'adaptive learning
homme devant son ordinateur avec des dessin par dessus montrant des experts en action sur leurs terrains (femme sur un chantier, homme enseignant, femme devant un ordinateur,...) grâce à leurs formations sur le lms didask

Involve easily your trainers and accelerate

Go and get expertise directly where it is! Easy and quick to learn, The Didask platform allows you to confidently entrust the design to your trainers or professors, who only have to follow the Pedagogical AI to create in record time!

Pilot easily

You finely measure the progress of your students and our smart analytics give you recommendations for improvement. And you have everything you need to manage your classes, invitations, reminders, face-to-face sessions...

Femme devant son ordinateur avec des dessin de la plateforme montrant des smart analytics qui formulent des améliorations de vos elearning et l'essentiel pour gérer vos groupes, rappels,....

Why Didask?

Didask Learning Platform
Classic Learning Management Systems (LMS & LXP)
Module design time
As fast as 5 minutes for an entire module with our Instructional AI assistance
Training-specific AI based on cognitive science research
Adaptive learning and personalized courses, personalized selection of appropriate modalities by AI
N/A or only useful for simple text generation
Learning designers, specialized agencies
Variable commitment and completion
Possible for everyone: 83% of users had never created online modules
Machine learning: same modality in every context
15 hours, plus preparation and refinement
Learning modalities
Artificial intelligence
93% of learners report positive impact
didask lms adaptive learning intelligence artificielle pedagogique témoignage
photo de Raphael Groulez de chez Paris 8 client Didask
Raphaël Groulez
Professional integration/educational innovations SCUIO-IP
Identifying relevant student mistakes, reducing the cognitive overload of questions, synthesizing our key messages... these are all habits developed through the use of Didask and that we have integrated into our practices!
didask lms plateforme elearning en extension à votre lms

Onboarding white paper
No problem, Didask also works as an extension. Enough to make your LMS even more efficient without changing it!

Learn more
didask lms plateforme elearning en extension à votre lms
didask lms livre blanc comment créer 10x plus vite des formations vraiment efficaces avec l'IA pédagogique
White paper

How to create 10 times faster really effective training with educational AI

Developed by our cognitive science researchers, educational AI is an end-to-end technology to divide the time needed to design impactful learning experiences by 10.

Only available in french.

Download the white paper