Digital transformation of interpersonal skills training during lockdown

Échange avec
Juliette Vincent
“Didask's digital learning solution allowed us to break the standard and to put a touch of originality in relation to what is circulating on the market in a period where responsiveness is a priority.”

What challenge did you have to take on?

We were looking for a design tool capable of creating digital content to adapt our training/coaching on interpersonal relationships, to the constraints of confinement and to enrich them.

How did the mission take place?

Didask's digital learning solution allowed us to put a touch of originality in relation to what is circulating on the market in a period where reactivity is a priority. We have adopted the Didask pedagogy, which allows us to get to the heart of the subjects and therefore facilitates the understanding of relational mechanisms. In this way, we were able to create quality and tailor-made content as close as possible to what we do in person with our customers, always based on experimentation.

Parcours digital learning de Didask et MJ Cocaching

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What assessment do you draw from this?

The Didask elearning modules have increased the level of trust, sharing and involvement of participants in a 100% remote course (alternating with our virtual classes). We also really appreciated Didask's flexibility and responsiveness, which was particularly adapted to our business.

An anecdote?

Often alone in front of their screen at the moment, our customers appreciated the touch of “fun” and creativity of our Didask modules, especially on “serious” and sometimes complex content.

Tester la solution Didask

Juliette Vincent
Juliette Vincent

Coach professionnelle MJ Coaching et Formation

Le dispositif
Coaching: behavioral assessment & motivational factors (managers and sales teams)
Directors, salespeople, managers
10 learners
4 modules & 31 practical cases

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