Skills Transfer: How to Ensure Real Upskilling of Learners

Illustration representing a symbolic transfer: passage of a witness between two hands, evoking the transfer of skills

Introduction: The Limits of Classical Education

The increase in “real” skills represents an enormous challenge for training. Unfortunately, there is a gap between theoretical learning and the effective use of new skills. First, because a huge part of theoretical learning is forgotten—as shown The oblivion curve According to Ebbinghaus, up to 80% of information is lost in a few days without active consolidation. Second, because current methods do not allow knowledge to be anchored in such a way that it can be used effectively in the field.

However, more than ever, businesses need their employees to develop new skills quickly and effectively to adapt to an ever-changing world.

How can we make this ambition a reality?

1. What is skills transfer?

Skills transfer is the process by which the knowledge acquired (whether in training or elsewhere) is applied in a real professional context. It is the transformation of abstract knowledge into an ability to act effectively on the ground.

But this process is far from being natural or automatic. Theory and practice often remain compartmentalized. Take the example of a technician trained to diagnose faults on a new machine: he fully understands the principles in the training room, but once in the field, he can find himself disoriented when faced with complex situations that are not addressed in theory.

Another common example is that of soft skills: an employee can learn conflict management techniques in training, but without contextualized practice and feedback, it will be difficult to apply them effectively when a disagreement breaks out during a meeting.

2. Why is skills transfer failing today?

An educational wild west

In fact, the informal transmission of skills is often uncontrolled. Even formats that are nevertheless dedicated to the transfer of skills, such as mentoring or shadowing, suffer from several shortcomings:

  • Descending imbalance/action : either the expert speaks over everyone with endless explanations, or they push the learner directly into a situation without real support. A classic example: an employee in training observes an expert for one day without receiving clear explanations, and then has to handle a complex task alone the next day.
  • Implicit expertise : a lot of knowledge is difficult to explain. For example, an experienced baker will instinctively know when a dough is ready, but he will have a hard time explaining this feeling to an apprentice. Likewise, an experienced salesperson spontaneously adapts his speech according to the subtle reactions of his interlocutor, but he cannot always transmit this instinctive know-how.
  • Learners' learning strategies : too often, employees do not spontaneously use effective methods to consolidate their achievements. For example, they prefer passive proofreading of notes rather than putting them into practice or self-assessment, which limits their progress.

A lack of time for experts

In a context where experts are overworked, transmission becomes a secondary task, often improvised, amplifying the inefficiencies of the process. An experienced engineer, for example, will juggle between his priority projects and the training of a colleague, without being able to devote all the necessary attention to them. The result: partial and often disorganized transmission.

3. The keys to successful skills transfer

To transform learning into real skills, it is necessary to rely on principles from cognitive science:

  • Spaced repetition : strengthen long-term memory by spacing out information reminders. For example, a learner who reviews a module every three days will learn the concepts better than in one intensive session.
  • Active learning : prefer concrete exercises and problem solving to the simple transmission of information. During project management training, instead of simply listening to instructions, participants could practice solving practical cases as a group.
  • Contextualization : create scenarios close to real situations so that the learner can train in almost real conditions. For example, a technician could simulate an intervention on a faulty machine in a controlled environment.
  • Personalized feedback : allow the learner to understand his mistakes in order to better progress. During a commercial role-playing game, the trainer can analyze in detail the choices made by the learner and propose concrete areas for improvement.

4. How Didask is revolutionizing skills transfer

Didask offers a unique solution based on educational AI and cognitive science. Here's how it makes it possible to do the impossible:

  • Transforming expertise into structured content : thanks to our AI, implicit expertise is converted into adapted e-learning modules, allowing the learner to get a head start before face-to-face sessions. For example, a manager can formalize their good communication practices into an interactive module.
  • Activity corrected : contextualized exercises that offer immediate and personalized feedback. An employee can thus test their negotiation skills and receive detailed feedback on their choices. Call-to-action (or form conversion) : Discover personalized and real-time feedback.
  • Micro-challenges : small concrete objectives that the learner can apply directly in the field, facilitating the anchoring of skills. For example, an employee trained on ERP software could have the challenge of setting up a key feature as soon as he returns to his job.
  • Optimized blended learning : combining the best of online learning and face-to-face exchanges to maximize impact. For example, a company could organize a practical session after an e-learning module on workplace safety.

Our educational AI allows companies to capture and multiply the know-how of their experts, quickly transforming their expertise into interactive training courses. A solution that optimizes the precious time of these key employees, who are now free to focus on strategic tasks.

Conclusion: Rethinking skills transfer

The transfer of skills is often taken for granted, despite the fact that it is based on a complex and demanding architecture. Didask provides concrete solutions, based on cognitive sciences to guarantee optimal results.

Do you want to move beyond the Wild West of training? Discover how our approach can transform your training courses and maximize their impact on the ground.

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À propos de l'auteur

Coraline Charles

Coraline is Marketing Director at Didask. For 4 years, Coraline has been looking at the challenges of training managers and the challenges of online training. Today, with Didask, Coraline is looking at how AI from Cognitive Sciences makes it possible to respond to these major challenges.

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