One Business School, a company specialized in the development of digital training solutions, at meet a double challenge: accelerate the production of training courses while maintaining their qualities thanks to Didask's Educational AI. They share their experience with us on Thursday September 26 at 11 am.
What could be better than a live demo to discover the Didask e-learning solution? Our experts will meet you on Thursday September 12 at 11 am. On the designer side, as well as on the learner side, you will see everything and be able to ask all your questions!
Learn how AI is responding to the challenges of corporate training during our webinar with Empowill on Thursday, September 19 at 11 am. Explore how AI can personalize journeys, improve learner engagement, and its limitations.
The start of the school year in September is fast approaching! It is the ideal time to prepare your e-learning courses and create a positive dynamic by joining us on Thursday September 5 at 11 am!
Philip Moore, Product Director at Didask, spoke at the Learning Genius Showcase on the theme “Educational AI that transforms employees in the field”. He explained why we chose to combine cognitive science and AI to optimize learning, illustrating how this innovative approach significantly improves employee skills and performance.
To succeed in remote onboarding, it is imperative to equip yourself with the right tools and technologies. These facilitate communication, collaboration, and learning, thus transforming virtual integration into a smooth and rewarding experience...
Read on.
Come and discover with our experts the latest advances in educational AI from LMS Didask during our next demo on Thursday June 27! You will be amazed:)
We look forward to seeing you at the Palexpo in Geneva on June 5 and 6 for a show on digital transformation. Take part in conferences from e-learning experts, including those hosted by our Product Director, and come visit us at booth D8 to test our platform.
We are pleased to announce that Didask is a finalist at the prestigious HR Innovation Night. The event will be held on Monday, June 3 at the Mogador Theater, and we will compete in the “Skills Development & Training” category. On this occasion, we will present our latest innovations in artificial intelligence applied to corporate learning. To win the trophy, we need your support for our AI innovations!
Optez pour un LMS de qualité pour favoriser l'apprentissage de vos apprenant·e·s, tout en maximisant votre ROI. En vous inscrivant dès maintenant à notre prochaine démo, découvrez comment notre LMS peut répondre aux besoins spécifiques de votre équipe, stimuler et faire de vos collaborateur·rice·s de vrais experts·e·s.
Place learners in real situations is the most effective way to acquire skills, and AI is speeding things up. But how do you do it right and achieve it without gas factories? Benefit from the combined expertise of PitchBoy and Didask, who place this approach at the heart of their solutions by using realistic practical cases and virtual reality to optimize your training courses.
Only available in french.
Centralizing and organizing know-how within your organization is crucial for the growth and development of skills. A successful LMS can contribute to this by identifying new sources of knowledge and by promoting active sharing between employees. Check out our last article for more.
Have you ever been disappointed with online learning platforms? You are not alone. Opt for our solution and discover the change. Copy and paste your raw content and let our AI do the rest. A demo? It's Tuesday at 11 am!
Only available in french.
Éprouvez-vous de la frustration en élaborant vos modules de formation ? Découvrez en seulement 30 minutes comment l'IA pédagogique et les sciences cognitives peuvent transformer radicalement votre approche conception !
83% des concepteurs avec Didask
n’avaient jamais crée de modules avant et sont aujourd’hui autonomes.