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d'IA pédagogique
Discover the Learning Transformation Platform, the new generation LMS!ppée par des chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives, l'IA Didask est la seule qui permette de créer et déployer rapidement des formations réellement efficaces.
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- Découvrez la puissance de l'IA pédagogique
Quand l'Intelligence Artificielle rencontre l'adaptive learning !
en 5 minutes
Be more demanding with eLearning and LMS.
eLearning based on Cognitive science
Our cognitive scientists have designed the optimal learning experience for the brain. It guarantees the transition from exposure to information to effective transformation. Motivation, cognitive load, implementation, consolidation... everything is “evidence-based”.
Learn more about cognitive scienceThe 1rs IA... Pedagogical!
A technological prowess, Didask AI automates all the educational tasks forgotten by traditional LMS: identification of concepts, sequencing, design, formatting... All you have to do is copy and paste your content to create your courses in a few minutes!
Learn more about our Pedagoical AIFinish the “machine learning”!
Catalysé par l’IA Pédagogique, l’adaptive learning Didask adapte et personnalise judicieusement l’expérience d’apprentissage pour chacun·e. Déployez des dispositifs engageants et transformants, adaptés aux contraintes de vos équipes.
Why Didask?
It could be you
Scholavia tells you about the effectiveness of their e-learning system deployed thanks to Didask.
Only available in french for now, we are sorry, we are working on it.
Do you already have an LMS?
No problem, Didask also works as an extension. Enough to make your LMS even more efficient without changing it!